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Showing posts from July, 2018

The Role Of Good Governments For Youth Employment!

The Youth unemployment across Africa Nations has to be resolved, the youth unemployment can be resolve when an active good governments intervened with a job creation policies. The role of an active good governments, is to address youth unemployment, and is very important, because it will provide enabling environment for the youth to drive. Governments operation is defined as a form of connection, bond, link, tie between policy and practice. Governments have the power to address the Socio-Economic problems, such as unemployment and barriers of youth political participation, is essential  for youth progress and development. According to 'World Bank Group/Youth Summit'. Governments have the ability to implement national youth employment strategies to demonstrate a shared vision, clear objectives and metrics for success that can significantly and tangibly increase youth employment. The Areas The Governments Need To Address Concerning Youth Unemployment. ...

Youth Unemployment Demands Attention!

According to research, Africa is at tipping point. Whether it continues rising or falls back depends, above all else, on whether the continent creates the conditions in which its greatest resources - its young people - can shine. Six out of 10 Africans are under 25. Between 2019 and 2050, the youth population will almost double from almost 230m to 452m. Their potential is to drive Africa's progress goes far beyond numbers. As a group, they are more adventurous, more entrepreneurial and spend longer in school than past generations. They have set their sights higher, wanting to emulate counterparts in other continents rather than achieve goals set by their parents. But this demographic divided is in danger of turning sour: consider the fact that the more time young people in Africa spend in education, the more likely they are to be unemployed. This draws attention to how the commodity cycle of recent years may have supercharged the gross domestic product of many Africa nati...


According to research, Teens and young adults across Africa don't always see their Africa countries as a place where their voice can be heard or see as their homes. They feel unwelcome, perhaps a result of negative messages about youths coming from adults and even the media. We are running out of time to solve the problems facing the youth across Africa nations. Every day it seems more people are calling out for change action. Youth across Africa nations feel fear and despair when they think about the problems facing them could mean for their future. Many young people in Africa don't know where to start in addressing this huge issue.  Many youth are looking for ways to be a part of the solution, but need the training and support to take the next step. In light of the issues the youth are facing, here is a list of  (10) ways that you can start empowering your children to be positive youth leaders NOW. 1. Give the youth tools to collaborate and problem solve, brain...

Accountability In Leadership!

According to research, Accountability in leadership means a leader to accept accountability for all the decisions of his/her administration. Without accountability, even the most brilliant, hard - working, well - intentioned world leaders will fail, they will fail to meet their performance goals, they will fail to develop their teams, they will fail to hire top talent, they will fail to set good and effective examples for their employees, they will fail to communicate clearly, they will fail to optimize performance, they will also fail in doing business. Effective leadership requires real accountability. What Is Accountability? According to Brandon Hall, 'When leaders take personal accountability, they are willing to answer for the outcomes of their choices, their behavior, and their actions in all situations in which they are involved. Accountable leaders do not blame or point fingers to others when things go topsy - turvy. Rather, they make things right, and they are fixe...