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Say No To Drugs!

Written by: Azugbene Godson Solomon

The time will come in almost every youth life when they are confronted with drugs or alcohol. Some lucky ones may not experience this kind of peer pressure, but the unfortunate truth is that many youth will be asked by friends or fellow students if they want to try alcohol or drugs.

Drugs are chemical that have a profound impact on the neurochemical balance in the brain which directly affects how you feel and act. Many people of the world now suffering by using drugs.

Survey says, most of the people use drugs for fun and to get escape from their problems. They are trying to self-medicate themselves out of loneliness, low self-esteem, unhappy relationships or stress. This is a pattern that too often leads to drug abuse and addiction.

Marijuana, LSD, cocaine, caffeine, morphine, heroine, codeine, refnor, rohypnol, tramandor, and pethidine etc... are the common drugs uses by the addicts.   Drugs cause increased energy, rapid heart rate and elevated blood pressure. They also produce racing thoughts and make you feel overly stimulated. Continued use of drugs causes rapid breathing irritability, impulsiveness, aggression, insomnia, weight loss, tolerance, addiction, infectious diseases, and collapsed veins, suppression of pain, depressed respiration and possible heart failure.

These drugs can be affects to memory and impacts the ability to learn.  Drugs can be considered harmful when their use causes physical, mental, social, legal or economic problems.

Not all drugs are equally hazardous. Drugs sold legally in Nigeria for medicinal purposes are generally considered safe when taken according to the directions on the label. However, some of these drugs may produce unpleasant side effects even when used under medical guidance.

Drugs obtained illegally are more likely to be hazardous, their effects are much less predictable and potentially dangerous. Many drugs are harmful when used in large doses, or in combination with other drugs.

A lot of people are aware of the dangers of drugs and they know how bad it is but These days, drugs can be found everywhere, and it may seem like everyone's doing them. Many teens or youth are tempted by the excitement or escape that drugs seem to offer to them and the thrill of doing it is much more better than causing damage to their physical and mental health.

Please say no to drugs! #saynotodrugs


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